Celebrating water, nature & this beautiful earth


“In nature, nothing exists alone.”

~Rachel Carson

Happy Earth Day!

I love so much that we have a special day to celebrate this beautiful place we call home.

Today I would like to invite you to take a moment to step outside and look at your surroundings with fresh eyes. Pretend you are seeing, hearing & smelling things for the first time.

What do you notice?


"Stars on the Water," acrylic 4" x 4" available HERE


I'm noticing the earth waking up here on the shoreline. The geese have returned and there are all kinds of sweet little birds fluttering about in the garden. My daffodils and tulips are bursting forth through the ground and the boats are becoming unveiled. You can feel joy in the air.

Doesn't it feel good to pause for a moment and take it all in?

I think we need these moments outdoors to appreciate how much nature does for our well-being, whether we are conscious of it or not.

Nature is my biggest inspiration as an artist.

I spend a lot of time walking on the beach, soaking it all in. There's a spectacular aliveness that's igniting my soul. I've been noticing how my breath mirrors the ebb and flow of the ocean's waves, making me feel the pulse of connection to all living things.



I've started a little collection of watercolor paintings inspired by the sea that I will be releasing soon. While painting them I was reminded of the importance of water in our lives. If we didn't have it, we wouldn't be here, nor would I be able to paint.

In honor of Earth Day and my appreciation for this earth I wanted to share a beautiful charity that’s near and dear to my heart. It’s called Charity Water. Charity Water is a beautiful organization that embodies the power of the human spirit. Their mission is to make sure that everyone in the world has access to clean water.

This is possible.

I'm hoping that their story will inspire to think about water a little differently.



What do you think about this mission?

If you feel moved in any way I would greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word about this beautiful organization. Simply pin or share this post, forward on this video, or take action in a way that feels good to you.

It is through our combined efforts of caring where the ripples forms and real change is created. :)

May you see the beauty that surrounds you today and everyday!

Cheery Smiles & Love your way...

xo Laura


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