20 Easy ways to spread kindness & love


Hello sweet friend,

How are you? Since sharing #atouchofkind project I have been thinking a lot about what I can do to cultivate more kindness in the world and within my own life.

Can you remember a time when someone did something really nice for you? How did it make you feel?

Maybe it was as simple as getting a nice compliment on your outfit, or a friend giving you flowers for no reason, or maybe your husband surprised you with a foot rub (hint, hint honey if you are reading this). Chances are the gesture warmed your heart in some way and made you feel good.

We carry these warm feelings within us and it's great to pull them out of our memory banks once in a while and remember that rush of excitement.

"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."

~Maya Angelou

There are so many ways to lift people's spirits.

We often think they have to be BIG, grand gestures or take a lot of time but it’s often the simple things that we remember the most. I want to put my "good intentions" into action and made a lovely list of 20 Easy Ways to add a little more kindness and love to the world.

Maybe one of these will inspire you...


20 Easy Ways to Share Kindness & LOVE

#1 - Share what you have. 

Maybe your gift is time and you could read to a child or a senior (now via Zoom), or perhaps you may have an abundance of things like books, art supplies, or clothes you can gift to a shelter. There are many easy ways to give that don't cost us anything. 

*I love and recommend "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up" for decluttering. It changed my life and made me feel really good to pass on things that no longer fit my life vision with others who could use them.

#2 - Compliment someone. 

It costs nothing, takes no time, and could make someone’s entire day. Don’t just think it, say it.

#3 - Leave flowers on someone's doorstep

Who doesn't love flowers? They could also be dropped off at the library, or nursing home to bring a little unexpected joy to someone.


#4 - Be a mentor for someone.

We all have strengths and gifts that are unique to us and often underestimate them. Maybe you are good at something like bookkeeping and can help someone learn this skill. You honor your gifts when you share them.

#5 - Send an encouraging letter to someone who needs it.

Sometimes we just need to know someone is on our side. A little encouragement can go a long way!

#6 - If you see someone in the grocery store that can't reach something, offer to help them out.

This small gesture can mean so much to the person you are helping.

#7 - Pay for someone else's coffee or toll

I love the feeling I get doing this, especially at the tollbooth. It's fun to imagine someone's face after being told they didn't have to pay. Everyone likes a surprise, right?

#8 - Bake for someone.

My mom is a great baker and I have seen the joy her baking brings to others and myself. Who wouldn't appreciate a fresh, homemade treat? Mom, if you are reading this, maybe some of your homemade bread pretty please?

#9 - By the next round of drinks at happy hour. 


#10 - Think of the amazing people in your life. Carve out an hour and write them a letter telling them why they are awesome. 

I keep an appreciation journal and jot down things throughout the year. This is an area where I would like to put my good intentions into action. Time to get my thoughts out of my head and into the mail! :)

#11 - Take five minutes to send postcards to sick children who are fighting serious illnesses and would love to receive mail.

Send Kids the World features kids with life-threatening illnesses and injuries and enables you to reach out to them and send them encouraging postcards from all around the world. How cool is that? Maybe pick up a few postcards from your area and send them out.

#12 -Write letters to strangers who need them.

More Love Letters has a list of people who could benefit from letters of encouragement. Each person has been added to the web site by a friend or family member. Read the stories and take five minutes to make someone’s day.

# 13- Send a thank you card to someone who has helped you out.

It's such a small gesture that means a lot. Everyone likes to feel appreciated, right?

#14 - Bring in food or snacks for your office mates.

What are your favorites snacks? Pick up a few extras while you are out. I guarantee your gesture will be remembered. When I was teaching full time I always appreciated when there was a special treat left for us in the teachers room.

#15 - Help others see the positive in a situation.

I usually veer on the positive side, but there have been many times people have helped me see a situation a different way when I needed it. You could be that person.

#16 - Gift something from one of your favorite makers to help support their creative dream :)

Helping small, independent businesses can be such a beautiful exchange~believe me I know and appreciate it!

#17 - Let someone cut in front of you in line when they look like they are in a rush or only have a few items.

This always makes me feel good, even when someone has a lot of items. We all have times in our lives when we are in a rush and this is such a small gesture. It will give you an opportunity to pick flip through a magazine while you are waiting, or chat with the person behind you.


#18 - Share your favorite uplifting books

A good book can change someone's life. A few of my favorites are The Wisdom of Sundays, The Four AgreementsThe Alchemist & Wonder.

#19 - Pin this post or share it to inspire others :)

#20 - Last of all be kind to yourself, check your inner dialogue and give yourself some love.

Maybe you have other ideas to add to this list. I would love for you to share them in the comments below. Perhaps they will inspire others.

Together we can cultivate a more kind and loving world, I just know it!

I will leave you with a song I love by my sweetie, Kenny Chesney "Spread the love..."

xo Laura :)


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